Use your ← → (arrow) keys to browse Appropriate Chores List for Your Child Toddler to Teen 

Introducing household chores to your little one is a fantastic way to help your tot build skills that will last a lifetime. Believe it or not, you can start implementing this practice sooner than you think. Kids are more capable than we realize and often appreciate the opportunity to feel accomplished. Don’t forget, doing chores can be fun–have your younger child complete simple tasks to an upbeat song. For the older child, set a goal and see if he can beat the timer. Remember, each child matures a different rate. You know your child best. Below is only a suggested list of chores  and by no means should your child complete every task listed for each age group.

Age Appropriate Chores List for Children - Chores for Kids at Any Age Free Printable Chores Chart


Age Appropriate Chores List for Your Child by Age 

Chores for Two Year Olds  / Chores for Three Year Olds

  • Put away toys
  • Help make the bed
  • Dust furniture 
  • Help fill a pet’s food dish (with supervision)
  • Pick up clothes


Chores for Four Year Olds / Chores for Five Year Olds

  • All previously listed chores
  • Clear the table after meals
  • Empty wastebaskets
  • Help carry in groceries
  • Put away clean dishes 
  • Sweep with a small broom
  • Pull weeds


Chores for Six Year Olds / Chores for Seven Year Olds 

  • All previously listed chores
  • Sweep floor
  • Transfer clothes from washer to dryer
  • Empty dryer
  • Fold laundry
  • Load dishwasher
  • Set and clear table after meals


Chores for 8 Year Olds / Chores for Nine Year Olds

  • All previously listed chores
  • Take out trash
  • Help prepare meals
  • Keep bedroom tidy
  • Wipe down bathroom counters
  • Change bed linens
  • Wash the car
  • Rake leaves


Chores for Ten Year Olds / Chores for Eleven Year Olds / Chores for Twelve Year Olds and Teens 

  • All previously listed chores
  • Mow the lawn
  • Make simple meals
  • Clean out car
  • Vacuum and mop the floors
  • Iron clothes
  • Clean toilets
  • Walk the dog


Why not try creating a chore schedule to help your child keep track of completed jobs? You can find several free printable rewards charts online. Your child can tick off completed chores by shading in the box or placing a sticker next to completed tasks. Make sure your child knows exactly what is expected of her and the time frame expected for chores to be completed. This helps to enforce positive expectations and guides your child to success. While the decision to pay your child for chores is up to you, of course, most parenting gurus advise against it. The ultimate goal is to help your child learn organizational skills and build responsibility. Point out the tasks you complete helping to contribute, as well. Explain that everyone must chip in to keep the home running smoothly. By setting the expectations early, your child will know what is required to maintain a happy and helpful home!

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